

SBA1203 is a robust and high-efficient, switch-mode technology battery charger designed specifically for auxiliary  start motors batteries in emergency power generators and diesel engine driven fire-fighting  pumps. Conceived to be permanently connected to the batteries, take care and keep them permanently at full capacity. It remains operational even in the process of starting the engine. The standard battery charger SBA1203 is calibrated at the factory for lead-acid batteries, however the float voltage can be factory-fitted on request, to fit other types of batteries.


    1 Battery rated output voltage 12 V DC
    2 Supply rated voltaje From 90 V AC up to 265 V AC 50-60 Hz
    3 Output charging Amp 3 Amp.
    4 DIN Power 13,8 V x 3 A =41,4W
    5 Efficiency 85% at rated power
    6 Dielectric strength Line-Output: 1.500 V AC
    7 Line-GND: 1.500 V AC
    8 Output-GND: 1.000 V AC (<1.000 MOhm at 500 V AC)
    1 Charging system 2 fases V-I
    2 Float voltage 13,8 V DC (ajustable internamente desde 13 hasta 14,5 V DC)
    3 Battery mínimum voltage 6 V DC
    4 Float voltaje regulation < 1% From 0% to 90% nominal load current
    5 Load regulation < 5% From 50% to 99% float voltaje.
    6 Output ripple <1%
    1 Security rule EN 60956 (Safety information)
    2 Voltage input Resettable fuse (PTC)
    3 Overcurrent Auto-resettable
    4 Battery reverse polarity Auto-resettable
    5 Battery output overvoltage Up to 30 V DC
    6 Over-temperature Loan inhibition resettable
    7 Mains connection / disconnection With battery connected / even incorrect battery
    1 ON (Green) Charger powered by mains AC
    2 CHARGING (Green) Chager loading above 0,45 A
    1 Dimmensions 119mm x 101mm x 45mm
    2 Weigth 250gr
    3 Fixation DIN rail type : EN50022 35mm
    4 Battery output terminal Plug; 0,2 to 2,5mm
    5 Intpur terminals L-N-GND Plug; 0,2 to 2,5mm
    6 Operating temperatura From -30 to 55ºC protection NTC
    7 Storage temperatura From -40 to 85ºC
    8 Refrigeration Natural convection