The SVE SCBQ battery chargers are dedicated battery chargers designed for reliable charging and maintenance of batteries for generator sets and motorized pumps, in order to permanently maintain them at their maximum capacity.

Automatic regulation of battery voltage and charging current: DIN 41773
Automatic and electronic protection features (protection against short circuit, inversion of polarity, overvoltage on output, undervoltage on line input, absence of load)
Protection fuse for AC power supply
Eco-power, energy efficient load maintenance
Forced charge (Boost) for battery maintenance (desulfurization)
Input for charge inhibition: Terminates charging process
Superior heat dissipation and low surface temperature
Compact dimensions
Luminous indications:
Charger status
Battery status
Charger in operation
Output terminals
Charger status
Battery status

Power supply (single-phase): 220 VAC. 50/60 Hertz
Supply tolerance: +/- 10%
Battery voltage: 12 or 24 VDC
Maximum load intensity: 5-10 Amp
Charging end-point: 13,5 VDC. or 27.5 VDC.
Boost(Deep cycle): 14,6 VDC or 29,4 VDC
Low battery voltage alarm delay: 60s
Maximum ambient temperature: 45º C.

MODEL Voltage Current Battery Capacity Length (mm) Width (mm) Height (mm) Weight (gr)
SCBQ 1205 12 Vcc 5 Acc 60 Ah 100 85 110 2.000
SCBQ 1210 12 Vcc 10 Acc 120 Ah 120 110 127 3.800
SCBQ 2405 24 Vcc 5 Acc 60 Ah 120 110 127 3.800
SCBQ 2410 24 Vcc 10 Acc 120 Ah 130 125 138 5.700